These past couple of years have been challenging for everyone. The global pandemic, people losing jobs, being evicted from their homes and the unequal treatment of groups within society, In times like these, we all need time to ourselves, to escape from reality. To relax, imagine and learn.
Whenever I feel like I need to escape, I watch a film. To me, films are art.
Films are a great way to tell a story and introduce people to characters that they can relate to. They can live through these characters for just a few hours and forget about the real world for a short time. But to me, films are more than characters; films are an expression of the ideas of so many people from all walks of life. From the director to the costume designer, the actor to the screenwriter. All of these people have come together to put their ideas into one.
Films hold a special place for me because one day I hope to be a screenwriter, I want my stories to move beyond the page and into peoples lives in a more visual way. Films tend to stay with people, they have an impact on their life. Everyone has that film that they will re-watch over and over again; the film that cheers them up, that makes them feel nostalgic. We need films at the moment because they allow us to travel to far off lands, engage in adventures and travel through time. And right now, don't we want that?
Even when the world is back to 'normal' we still need to escape. Life isn't always perfect. But I know, and I know a lot of people feel the same way, that I can turn to films to help me disappear for two hours and for those two hours I can forget about everything else. Whether films are your escape or if you have something else that you do, embrace it. It's okay to do things just for fun sometimes.
<a href=''>People photo created by photoangel -</a>
<a href=''>Vintage photo created by jcomp -</a>
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